Proposal Formatting

In order to create a valid proposal, you must adhere to some basic formatting guidelines. This is done to ensure that voters know exactly what is being proposed and why. Please see formatting guidelines for each proposal type below.

Snapshot proposals use Markdown language for styling. If you would like to add bold, italics, ordered lists, or any other text styling to your proposal description, please refer to the table below:

Proposals with unclear or misleading titles and descriptions will be removed. Please ensure you adhere to the guidelines specific to your proposal type!

Change Vault Allocation

Title: include which pools are being increased or reduced.

Description: The exact numbers for current allocation and proposed new allocations should be included. Optionally, include a rationale for the change.



Increase LAND-BNB LP Staking Rewards


This proposal seeks to allocate 200 LAND from the burn pool to LP Staking.

Current Allocation:

  • Burn Pool: 400 LAND/day

  • LP Pool: 1000 LAND/day

Proposed Allocation:

  • Burn Pool: 200 LAND/day

  • LP Pool: 1200 LAND/day

Burn Tokens

Title: include the number of tokens to be burned.

Description (optional): Include rationale for token burn, if desired.



Burn 200 LAND from treasury


This proposal seeks to burn 200 tokens from the treasury in order to reduce LAND circulating supply.

Change Auto LAND Fee

Title: include the current fee and the desired new fee.

Description (optional): Include rationale for change, if desired.



Change Auto LAND fee from 2% to 3%


This proposal seeks to increase the Auto LAND fee from 2% to 3% in order to increase treasury revenue.

Add to Marketing Fund

Title: Include the amount to send to the Marketing fund

Description (optional): Include rationale, if desired



Send 1000 LAND to Marketing Fund


This proposal seeks to add 1000 LAND to the marketing fund in order to support future bounties and contests.

Create Bounty

Please see the bounty creation page.

Request Grant

Please see the treasury grants page.

Last updated